Marvin: The Lego MindStorm Robot Wrapper

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Mindstorm LEGO robots are a fun and interactive way for beginners to experience the excitement and challenges of programming. Originally designed with a graphical user interface for those, we are designing an augmented tutorial to teach students to program the robots using the Python programming language. In the margin are links to step-by-step video and written tutorials on how to get started with both the graphical and Python interfaces.

This is an incredibly simplified wrapper for the Lego Mindstorm ev3dev project. The purpose of this wrapper is to help beginning programmers understand syntax of programming while also applying it to something physical that they can play with using the Mindstorm robots.

Currently applicable to all Mindstorms that are using the ev3dev linux operating system, but only has features for the Ev3rstorm and Gripp3r Mindstorms, which we call Optimus and Marvin respectively.

Download Package

Built With

  • Python - Programming Language Used
  • EV3Dev - Lego Mindstorm Side Loaded Operating System
  • EV3Dev Package - Python Package which our wrapper is written on top of


  • Brandon Biggs - Initial work - Github

Contact Us

Visit Idaho State University’s Computer Science Program or our outreach website.

Visit Dr. Paul Bodily’s Academic Website

This documentation was put together by Brandon Biggs, Katie Wilsdon, and Dr. Bodily.


  • EV3Dev OS and Python Package Team. Without them, this wouldn’t be possible
  • Jakob Meng for helping me get the motors figured out. Appreciate the help buddy. Glad an ME and a CS student can work together.